Welcome! Approaching the 150th anniversary of the completion of St. John’s Church, prayers continue to be offered daily for the needs of individuals, for our faith and civic communities, and for the world. Grace abounds. Sacraments are dispensed. The Word is preached. Prayers are raised. Education is instilled. Service is provided. The people of our parish carry forward the tradition of their forebearers with “Strength in their hands, Truth on their lips, and Virtue in their hearts.” May your time with us deepen your appreciation of the goodness, truth, and beauty of God.
“Every expression of true beauty can thus be acknowledged as a path leading to an encounter with the Lord Jesus." (Pope Francis)
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"This church is wonderful! Enchanted by every detail." (Rosangelo Melo)
"What a beautiful church" (Linda Bongers)
Five Stars on Google Reviews (Kaylene Jonah, Patricia Ward, Leo Silva)