The CARE Food Pantry will be closed Thursday, February 6, due to the weather.
The CARE food pantry is an outreach mission of St. John the Guardian of our Lady parish. The pantry's mission is to assist families who need supplemental support to ensure they are able to provide nutritional meals for their loved ones.
Our ministry is to serve our brothers and sisters as God the Father has asked us to: "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me"
Anyone can be a member of CARE. We have a CORE team that shops, coordinates community food drive pick-ups/deliveries, stocks and serves clients on Thursday evenings. Our critical need is fund raising support to sustain the operation of the pantry. We would welcome anyone with the talent and time to help us in this area.
Please note that before you can start to volunteer, a CORI check must be completed as this is a Worcester Diocese regulation.
Those interested in volunteering are encouraged to contact Mary Eley by email: [email protected] or by phone: 508-873-8344.
Schedule of meetings & events: Monthly, September through June on Tuesday evenings as determined by CARE Core team.
Every Second Sunday of the Month is designated as Food Pantry Sunday. It is a special Sunday when we ask families to bring non-perishable foods to church. If you cannot do it on a particular Sunday, Food Care Donation Boxes are left at entrances to the Parish. Needed this month are: canned fruit and vegetable soup. Thank you for your help, your donations make it possible for us to serve the less fortunate in our community.
St. John’s Gym, 149 Chestnut St -
Thursdays: 4 – 6PM